Latin name: Heracleum maximum Bartram Syn.: H. lanatum Michx.
Botanical family: Apiaceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): cow parsnip, indian rhubarb (Eng.)
berce très grande (Fr.)
pukwanatik, pakwanahtik, askiskatask, askiwiskatask, oskataskwistikwan, piygwana (htik, pick quan ah tick Cree)
sewapo'kil (Malecite)
bi'bîgwe'wûnûck (Ojibwa)
uîpîtakâshku tshîtshue (Montagnais)
Steeped with Calmus and given in cholera [Malecite: 65]. Dried, chopped, and rubbed on aching or sore body parts. Cooled decoction used to bathe sore body parts, and the decoction can be drunk for colds [Cree: 13]. Used to keep sickness away and in combating cold and/or influenza [Mi'kmaq: 62].
Roots :Fresh or dried root applied to an aching tooth [Cree 13, 76, 93]. Chewed and juice swallowed to treat tooth ache [Cree 96]. Part of a cancer medicine. Grated and mixed with warm water to make a paste applied to swollen legs. [Metis 13]. Tea used for throat pain [Montagnais 71]. Fresh root pounded and applied to sores as a poultice [Ojibwa 87]. Powdered and made into a paste applied to boils, swellings and chancre [Cree 76]. Mixed with other plants (Nuphar variegatum, Acorus calamus) to make a poultice applied to painful limbs or used for headache [Cree 95]. Steeped and taken as a tea for blood purification, to prevent and cure smallpox, and in consumption [Malecite 65]. Chewed dry to treat sore throat, decoction used to gargle, and poultice applied to boils and sores [Ojibwa 47, 88]. Decoction used for arthritis [Cree 13, 80]. Boiled and used to clean skin infections [Cree 80]. Decoction drunk as a cough medicine [Dene 98].
Roots and leaves :Steam from boiling inhaled to purify the body [Cree 13].
Roots and flowers :Dried, pounded and made into a poultice used in boils [Ojibwa 47].