Latin name: Monarda fistulosa L.
Botanical family: Lamiaceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): wild bergamot, horse mint (Eng.)
monarde fistuleuse, menthe de cheval (Fr.)
mostoswikask, kapiskotanaskihk (Cree)
moshkos'wanowins', weca'wûs wackwî'nek, bibi'gwûnûkûk' wabino'wuck (Ojibwa)
Tops dried and used as a sternutatory for cold relief, or boiled with Eupatorium perfoliatum to make a fomentation to be applied for rheumatism [Chippewa: 85].
Whole plant :Dried, boiled to obtain the volatile oil and inhaled to cure catarrh and bronchial affections [Ojibwa 87]. Boiled and the decoction drunk by women after childbirth. Mixed with other plants to make a drink for treating menstrual cramps, stomachache, headache and fever [Cree 13]. Tea used to treat fever, headache, and also used as "women's medicine" [Cree 96].
Above-ground parts :Tea used to treat stomach disorders [Cree 96].
Roots :Decoction used to ease stomach and intestinal pain [Ojibwa 84].
Roots and flowers :Decoction used against intestinal worms [Ojibwa 47].
Flowers and leaves :Steeped and used in skin eruptions and burns [Ojibwa 47].
Leaves :Chewed and placed in the nostrils to relieve headache [Chippewa 85].