Latin name: Plantago major L.
Botanical family: Plantaginaceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): common plantain, whiteman's foot (Eng.)
plantain majeur, grand plantain queue de rat (Fr.)
muchikwanas, paswepak (Cree)
ceca'gûski'bûge sink, gine'biwûck (Ojibwa)
magaskisitan (Atikamekw)
ondiba'go (Abenaki)
Stem :Base boiled and drunk to relieve fainting spells [Metis 13].
Leaves :Chewed into a paste applied to burns and scalds. Juice drunk for toothache and earache or for internal hemorrhage or injury [Cree 74]. Soaked in warm water and applied to bruises, sprains or sores as a poultice, also used to sooth burns, scalds, bee stings, and snake bites [Algonquin 69; Ojibwa 87]. Applied fresh on wounds, bruises, burns and haematoma [Atikamekw 73]. Infusion drunk to treat heart trouble [Cree 13, 96]. , cramps, stomachache, stomach flu, or constipation [Metis 13]. Used for rheumatism, swellings and as an analgesic [Abenaki 67]. Used as a poultice to remove poison and heal wounds [Mi'kmaq 62]. Mixed with grease and applied to inflamed skin. Mixed with roots of Asarum canadense to treat inflamed skin. Decoction applied to rheumatic joints [Ojibwa 47]. Poultice used as a painkiller for cuts and bruises [Dene 100]. Fresh leaves heated slightly and put on the wound to draw out infection [Cree 93].
Leaves and root :Chopped finely and applied to bites of poisonous reptiles, or applied as a poultice on inflamed skin [Ojibwa 47].
Above-ground parts :Tea used to soothe burns [Dene 100].