Latin name: Chamerion angustifolium (L.) Holub ssp. angustifolium Syn.: Epilobium angustifolium L.
Botanical family: Onagraceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): fireweed, willow herb (Eng.)
épilobe à feuilles étroites, bouquets rouges (Fr.)
hapaskwa, askapask, athkapask, akapuskwah, liy (hkapusk Cree)
oja'cidji'bik (Ojibwa)
kapamastak (Atikamekw)
tlitl'echi (Dene)
góndhi'elé (Chipewyan)
Applied to treat cuts [Algonquin: 75]. or used in cough [Abenaki: 67]. Young tops eaten to "strengthen the blood" [Metis: 13]. Tea used to relieve a sore stomach [Dene: 101].
Whole plant :Tea taken to treat intestinal worms [Dene 13; Chipewyan 92]. Boiled and the liquid rubbed on the skin to ease rashes [Dene 99].
Leaves :Chewed and applied as a plaster on bruises [Metis 13; Cree 95]. Poultice from fresh or dried leaves applied to bruises [Chippewa 47]. , burns, bee stings, aches and swelling caused by arthritis [Dene 99]. Chewed and applied to bee stings and bites [Dene 100].
Roots :Roasted in ashes, mashed, and applied to boils [Algonquin 68]. Peeled, chewed or pounded, and applied as a poultice on boils, carbuncle, abscesses or open wounds to prevent infection [Metis 13; Cree 95; Ojibwa 87]. Boiled and used for skin problems [Atikamekw 73]. Herbal water taken to induce menses [Cree 93].