Latin name: Comptonia peregrina (L.) J.M. Coult. Syn.: Myrica asplenifolia L.
Botanical family: Myricaceae
Growth habit: Shrub
Vernacular name(s): sweet fern, ant wood (Eng.)
comptonie voyageuse (Fr.)
kba'agne-mins (Chippewa)
eninigsomo'zil (Malecite)
kba'agne-minš, gibaime'nûna'gwûs (Ojibwa)
Used for catarrh. Steeped with yarrow and applied to sprain swelling [Malecite: 65]. Used to treat eczema, sores, cancer and poison ivy rash [Mi'kmaq: 61].
Leaves :Steeped and rubbed on the skin to cure poison ivy rash [Mi'kmaq 60; Algonquians 63]. Steeped with leaves of catnip (Nepeta calaria) to make an infusion to be used as a febrifuge [Chippewa 85]. Tea used to make to cure the flux and stomach cramps [Ojibwa 87]. Steeped and tea taken as a general tonic. Poultice used for rheumatism and external sores [Mi'kmaq 62]. Crushed and the perfume inhaled or drunk as a tea for headache [Algonquin 69].