Latin name: Gaultheria procumbens L.
Botanical family: Ericaceae
Growth habit: Shrub
Vernacular name(s): teaberry, checkerberry, wintergreen (Eng.)
thé des bois, gaulthérie couchée (Fr.)
pileuminan (Innu)
pirebow (Atikamekw)
winsibog, wînîsi'bûgûd (Ojibwa)
Mixed with mayapple, wild sarsaparilla, wild spikenard, burdock, Taraxacum officinale, prickly ash, black berry, sassafras, prince's pine, and black birch in a decoction used as a "spring and fall medicine" [Ojibwa: 85]. Steeped and taken as a blood flow regulator to prevent heart attacks [Mi'kmaq: 62]. Tea used in colds, headaches, and general discomforts [Atikamekw: 73; Algonquin: 69].
Leaves :Used for colds, chewed to improve breathing [Algonquin 55]. Tea used to cure rheumatism and as a tonic [Ojibwa 87]. Used to make a chest plaster to treat cold [Atikamekw 73].
Fruits :Used as a stimulant and diuretic [Algonquin 55].