Latin name: Kalmia angustifolia L.
Botanical family: Ericaceae
Growth habit: Shrub
Vernacular name(s): lambkill, sheep laurel (Eng.)
kalmia à feuilles étroites, crevard de moutons (Fr.)
mikwëwa'lwql (Malecite)
wesajebo (Atikamekw)
jabak (Abenaki)
uschipikwh (Cree)
uishetshipuk, uîshatshipukua (Innu)
Steeped in hot water and soaked in a woolen pad or rubbed on the limbs or body to relieve pain and stiffness [Montagnais: 70]. Used for head colds [Abenaki: 67]. Tea used for cold and as a tonic [Innu: 72]. Mixed with Sorbus americana in a compress used on cuts and wounds [Innu: 72].
Bark :Tea used as an emetic [Algonquin 75]. Steeped and used externally for rheumatism, sore legs and feet [Mi'kmaq 62].
Leaves :Although the leaves are known to be poisonous, a very small quantity can be steeped and drunk for cold, headache and backache. A hot water infusion (very poisonous if very strong) can also be drunk for stomach pain. Poultice applied to head to cure headache [Atikamekw 73; Algonquians 63]. Used in diabetes [Cree 77; 83]. Singed by fire, crushed and used in colds [Algonquin 69]. Salve prepared from fresh parts and applied to swelling or sprain [Malecite 65]. Tea used for throat pain [Montagnais 71]. Applied to swells, arthritis or knee pain [Montagnais 71]. Used to treat diabetes [Cree 82].
Twigs, leaves and flowers :Used in bowel complaints and as a tonic [Cree 42].
Twigs :Used to prepare a decoction for throat pain and mouth infections [Montagnais 71].
Roots :Used to treat diabetes [Cree 82].