Latin name: Polypodium virginianum L. Syn.: P. vulgare auct. non L. p.p.
Botanical family: Polypodiaceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): rock polypod, parasitic sword fern (Eng.)
polypode de Virginie, tripe de roche (Fr.)
tcetcgwi'zek' (Malecite)
kakakiwikoc, kathithikipakaki, kinipikotithaniwipak (Cree)
otatakwakanak (Atikamekw)
Achiniu thistabi (Innu)
Used for stomach troubles [Abenaki: 67]. , or against kidney and neuralgic diseases [Atikamekw: 73]. Tea used to treat digestive tract problems [Algonquin: 68]. , heart diseases [Algonquin: 69]. , as well as lung, liver and kidney diseases [Innu: 72].
Roots :Steeped and given in pleurisy [Malecite 65].
Leaves :Decoction taken as a tuberculosis cure [Cree 95].