Latin name: Prunus pensylvanica L.f.
Botanical family: Rosaceae
Growth habit: Tree
Vernacular name(s): pine cherry, bird cherry, fire cherry (Eng.)
cerisier de Pennsylvanie, petit merisier (Fr.)
pusawemina, pasisawimin, pasuwiymayatik (Cree)
maskwetzi'minak (Maletice)
kusigwa'kumi'nok, bae'wimînûn (Ojibwa)
wesagatuk (Atikamekw)
apueiminanatuk, apueiminânakashî (Montagnais)
Mixed with Taxus canadensis in a tea used for rheumatism [Algonquin: 69].
Bark, fruits, leaves, and roots :Tea taken in fever [Metis 13].
Bark :Tea taken to treat bronchitis, cough and blood poisoning [Algonquin, Cree 69; Innu 72]. Steeped and taken in erysipelas [Malecite 65]. Compress used on swellings and sprain [Montagnais 71].
Bark and branches :Paste, sometimes mixed with Sorbus americana used for problems in shoulders, joints, nerves and heart [Montagnais 71].
Inner bark :Infusion to treat sore eyes [Cree 95]. Used on cuts, a tea drunk for colds, and boiled to a jelly used to treat burns [Algonquin 75]. Used for cough [Ojibwa 87; Montagnais 71].
Wood :Dried without bark and used in prickly heat or chafed skin [Malecite 65].
Roots :Decoction given for stomach pain or disorders [66; Ojibwa 84]. Grated and boiled in water to make a syrup applied to umbilical cord [Atikamekw 73]. Herbal water to treat whooping cough [Cree 93].
Fruits :Eaten raw to fight cough [Montagnais 71].
Leaves or twigs :Used to fight cough [Montagnais 71].