Latin name: Prunus serotina Ehrh.
Botanical family: Rosaceae
Growth habit: Tree
Vernacular name(s): rum cherry, black cherry (Eng.)
cersier tardif (Fr.)
we'kwanum (Malecite)
ikwe'mîc (Ojibwa)
Bark :Steeped and drunk for cough [Algonquians 63, Mi'kmaq 60]. Used in cough and cold [Mi'kmaq 61]. Steeped in water, added to beaver castor and a little gin and given in cough and cold, and consumption in men [Maletice 65]. Tea as a remedy for cough and cold [Mi'kmaq 62; Ojibwa 87]. Part of a compound medicine for small pox [Mi'kmaq 43].
Fruits :Steeped to make a bitter tonic [Algonquians 63, Mi'kmaq 60, 62].
Inner bark :Applied to external sores, an infusion is also given to relieve pain and soreness of the chest [44; Ojibwa 84]. Mixed with the trunk of a young Pinus strobus and the inner bark of a young Prunus americana in a decoction used to treat cuts and wounds. Boiled and the water used as a wash to treat scrofula. Decoction used as a disinfectant [Ojibwa 47].
Roots :Decoction against intestinal worms and cholera [Ojibwa 47]. Powdered and applied to skin ulcers. Mashed fresh and used as a poultice [Ojibwa 47].