Latin name: Prunus virginiana L.
Botanical family: Rosaceae
Growth habit: Tree
Vernacular name(s): chokeberry (Eng.)
cerisier de virginie, cerisier à grappes (Fr.)
sisan'wewi'nakânsh', a'sasawe'mînaga'wûnj (Ojibwa)
takwahiminana, takwehiminan, takwuhiymin (Cree)
Pisheshueminatuk (Innu)
Bark :Steeped and drunk in diarrhoea [Algonquians 63, Mi'kmaq 60, Cree 42]. Boiled to make an emetic drink to relieve stomach ache [Cree 13]. Decoction used as a hair ointment, or mixed with roots of Veronicastrum virginicum and taken before breakfast to treat scrofula [Ojibwa 47]. Tea used as a purgative and emetic [Cree 96]. Herbal water taken for cold [Cree 93].
Inner bark :Steeped with roots of Corylus sp. and white oak, and the heart of Ostrya virginiana wood and taken to treat lung hemmorhages. Decoction used for sore throat, stomach cramps [Ojibwa 47]. , or diarrhoea [66]. Tea used for lung trouble [Ojibwa 87].
Leaves, stem, bark, and roots :Tea used for colds, fevers, pneumonia [Cree, Metis 13; Innu 72]. , to clear phlegm from the throat, or for high blood pressure or heart problems [Cree 13].
Branchlets :Used to make a drink taken during gestation [Ojibwa 84].
Roots :Part of a compound medicine for diarrhoea in children [Cree 13]. Mixed with Acorus calamus and given for cough or blood poisoning [Algonquin 69]. Herbal water taken against flu [Cree 93].
Fruits :Used as an astringent [Ojibwa 47]. or to treat diarrhoea [66].