Latin name: Sium suave Walter
Botanical family: Apiaceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): water parsnip (Eng.)
berle douce (Fr.)
siwaskatask, siwaskacaskwos, oskatask, kowchuskowitoy (Cree)
Smoked to relieve headache [Dene: 98].
Roots :Used as a tonic. Eaten raw or boiled with other plants and the decoction drunk to treat chest congestion. Part of a compound decoction used to treat heart trouble, headache, and fever [Cree 13]. Eaten raw or prepared as a tea for sore throat, cough and cold. Tea also used to treat fever, heart problems and headache. Eaten raw as a tonic and blood cleanser [Cree 96]. Cancer medicine [Cree 93].