Latin name: Ulmus rubra Muhl. Syn.: U. fulva Michx.
Botanical family: Ulmaceae
Growth habit: Tree
Vernacular name(s): slippery elm (Eng.)
orme rouge (Fr.)
ah-nib, gawa'komic (Ojibwa.)
Used in gonorrhoea [Ojibwa: 86].
Bark :Used for lung bleeding. Used to soothe irritated throat and lungs. Used for suppurating wounds [Mi'kmaq 60]. Decoction used for infected kidneys or as a gargle to treat ulcerated throat [Ojibwa 47, 91].
Inner bark :Chewed fresh for cough [44]. Used for sore throat [Ojibwa 87].
Roots :Chewed dry to treat sore throat [Ojibwa 47].