Latin name: Artemisia frigida Willd.
Botanical family: Asteraceae
Growth habit: Herb
Vernacular name(s): prairie sagebrush, wild sage, pasture sage, fringed sagewort (Eng.)
armoise douce (Fr.)
mostosowehkuskwa, moostooswehkuskwa, mostosowikask (Cree)
bi'jikiwin'gûck (Ojibwa)
Leaves :Rubbed on the skin as an insect repellant [Cree, Metis 13]. Boiled leaves used as a poultice to treat skin problems, including promoting healing of burns with limited scarring [Cree 13]. Tea drunk to relieve back pain caused by kidney trouble, to rid the body of intestinal worms, as a diuretic to treat bladder infections and other urinary disorders, to relieve the body of toxins, as a tonic to promote healing, as a gargle to treat a sore throat, as a wash for wounds and to clear blurred vision, and as a bath for sore feet, rheumatism, or arthritis [Metis 13]. Chewed to freshen the breath [Cree 13]. Decoction used in fever and headache [Cree 95]. Dried, scrumbled, and placed on a hot stone, and fumes used as a disinfectant [Ojibwa 47].
Roots :Mixed with Rosa arkansana, Astragalus crassicarpus and Polygola senega in a decoction used to stop bleeding from wounds, as a tonic, stimulant and antidote. Decoction used as an anti-convulsive [Ojibwa 47].